KVS PGT Computer Science Question Paper - January 2017 (Question No 26-30)
Q 26. Buying and selling goods over the internet is called :
1) Hyper-Marketing
2) E-Commerce
3) Cyber-Selling
4) Euro-Conversion
Answer : 2) E-Commerce
Q 27. Mechanism that is used to convert domain name into ip address is known as _____________.
1) URL
2) DNS
3) FTP
Answer : 2) DNS
Q 28. An analog signal carries 4 bits in each signal unit. If 1000 signal units are cent per second, then baud rate and bit rate of the signal are _____ and _____ .
1) 1000 bauds/sec & 500 bps
2) 2000 bauds/sec & 1000 bps
3) 4000 bauds/sec & 1000 bps
4) 1000 bauds/sec & 4000 bps
Answer : 4) 1000 bauds/sec & 4000 bps
Solution : baud rate (signal rate) = bit rate/no of bits per signal or bit rate = baud rate x no of bits per signal
so here baud rate is given 1000 bauds(signals)per sec and no of bits per signal = 4
so bit rate = 4000 bits per sec
Q 29. Which of the following data structure is most suitable for evaluating post-fix expressions?
1) Stack
2) Queue
3) Linked List
4) Tree
Answer : 1) Stack
Q 30. The complexity of linear search algorithm is
1) O (n)
2) O (n*n)
3) O (log n)
4) O (n log n)
Answer : 1) O (n)
Solution : The worst case complexity of linear search is O(n).
Q 26. Buying and selling goods over the internet is called :
1) Hyper-Marketing
2) E-Commerce
3) Cyber-Selling
4) Euro-Conversion
Answer : 2) E-Commerce
Q 27. Mechanism that is used to convert domain name into ip address is known as _____________.
1) URL
2) DNS
3) FTP
Answer : 2) DNS
Solution : DNS is also a internet protocol and is known as Domain Name Server or Domain Name Service. Its purpose is to translate domain names into IP addresses. Whenever we use a domain name, then a service is used for translating domain names into IP addresses and is known as DNS.
Q 28. An analog signal carries 4 bits in each signal unit. If 1000 signal units are cent per second, then baud rate and bit rate of the signal are _____ and _____ .
2) 2000 bauds/sec & 1000 bps
3) 4000 bauds/sec & 1000 bps
4) 1000 bauds/sec & 4000 bps
Answer : 4) 1000 bauds/sec & 4000 bps
Solution : baud rate (signal rate) = bit rate/no of bits per signal or bit rate = baud rate x no of bits per signal
so here baud rate is given 1000 bauds(signals)per sec and no of bits per signal = 4
so bit rate = 4000 bits per sec
Q 29. Which of the following data structure is most suitable for evaluating post-fix expressions?
1) Stack
2) Queue
3) Linked List
4) Tree
Answer : 1) Stack
Solution : A postfix expression can be evaluated using the Stack
data structure. To evaluate a postfix expression using Stack data
structure we can use the following steps...
- Read all the symbols one by one from left to right in the given Postfix Expression
- If the reading symbol is operand, then push it on to the Stack.
- If the reading symbol is operator (+ , - , * , / etc.,), then perform TWO pop operations and store the two popped oparands in two different variables (operand1 and operand2). Then perform reading symbol operation using operand1 and operand2 and push result back on to the Stack.
- Finally! perform a pop operation and display the popped value as final result.
Q 30. The complexity of linear search algorithm is
1) O (n)
2) O (n*n)
3) O (log n)
4) O (n log n)
Answer : 1) O (n)
Solution : The worst case complexity of linear search is O(n).
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